For one thing, don't hold onto what you love too tightly. It seems to have the opposite effect, for the tighter you hold on, the easier it is for your lover to slip through your fingers. Sting made a very good point in a song titled "Set them free", from his album "The Dream of the Blue Turtles", simply put he says 'If you love someone, set them free'. These are good words to ponder.
Secondly, living your life behind walls of protection that you built around yourself is not living. There is much to see and experience. Every single moment you keep yourself shut off from other people, no matter the reason, you are missing life. It's passing you by. It may seem tough and scary to come out from behind your wall, but unless you do, you will miss everything, take my word for it.
Okay, so this makes three points, sue me ;-) Another thing to avoid doing is being jealous with your lover. Do not do this! Do not push all others away from your lover as potential threats. It's a grave mistake that will eventually lead to 2 very sad and lonely people. Again, Sting makes an excellent point in his song "Fortress around your heart", from the album "The Dream of the Blue Turtles". It's never too late to change, that is until your Butterfly leaves you while you are still holding on too tight. When that happens all that can be done is to lick your wounds and keep moving on ... I learned that the hard way.
So now, you are free to return to my homepage, now that you have listened to these words.